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Are you are here wondering how much does it cost to make an app for your business in 2023? There are many factors that play into the cost to develop an app. The price depends on complexity, how many features you need, if you need an app developed for both IOS and Android, etc.
An app such as what Uber runs on will start at $40k and go upward from there. An app like Uber is really 3 apps (IOS app, Android app, Web admin panel app) so it is costly to develop. There are ways to save on development costs for an app like Uber. Such as going with an Hybrid app that allows the developer to develop with 1 code base that works for all 3. Hybrid apps are a bit slower loading than a true native mobile app, but they are a great choice if you are trying to save on costs.
A social media app such as TikTik will run you $60k+. TikTok has some advanced features such as messaging, video calls, sharing videos & images, etc. The TikTok app also runs on IOS, Android app and the Web so you are looking at 3 apps too. A hybrid app for a TikTok type app will also save you money but for this type of app it would be very important to find a skilled hybrid app developer because if done wrong, it could cost you in performance.
A marketplace app such as Airbnb will run you $70k+. Marketplace apps have a ton of features and complexity including an ecommerce store. Marketplace apps such as the Airbnb app will take a significant time to program and a unique developer skillset. A hybrid app can also be done for a Marketplace app to save on costs but again it is important to find a good hybrid app developer.
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